How To Compare 2 Files In Edit Plus Software

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How To Compare 2 Files In Edit Plus Software Rating: 8,8/10 7598 reviews

This page exists a resource for user tool configurations frequently used in EditPlus.

For information on writing your own user tool to act as a text filter, see writing a text filter.

  • 1HTML
  • 2DotNet
  • 3C/C++
  • 4Java
  • 5Perl
  • 8PHP
  • 9Python
  • 10LSL - Linden Scripting Language
  • 12Scripting
  • 13File Management
  • 14Version Control
    • 14.3Subversion
  • 15Databases
  • 16Miscellaneous
    • 16.1Function List


Color Cop

Description: This is the best tool for determining what color is being used via a color picker. I use this all the time!
Posted By: Dean Householder


Description: Compares all the fonts on my system visually on the screen. (More useful for working with graphics than coding) I'm using version 2.0 which is freeware and does what I want.
Posted By: Dean Householder

Google Search (selection)

Description: Search's Google for the current selection.
Command: Maxthon.exe (Maxthon is found at Similar command can be used for other browsers.
Command: C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe (for firefox)
Posted By: Brett Batie
Additional Info: If this fails to work for you, try putting $(CurSel) in quotes, like '$(CurSel)'

External Browser Preview UserTool

Description: Save current file, then Launch it in Maxthon tabbed browser.
Menu text: Maxthon Browser
Command: C:Program FilesMaxthonMaxthon.exe
Argument: file:///'$(FilePath)'
Initial directory: [leave blank]
Check: 'Save open files'
Posted By: John Morse
Additional Info: This command is good for keeping the internal browser preview enabled in EditPlus, but still having the extra functionality of previewing your file in other browsers.


Description: This will automatically clean up your HTML code to whatever standards you designate in the tidyconfig.txt file.
Command: tidy.exe -config tidyconfig.txt
Argument: '$(FilePath)'
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Posted By: Dean Householder

Note: If tidy.exe is not in the Window's Path, and you installed it to 'C:Program FilesTidy', set initial directory to C:Program FilesTidy. Also, in the tidyconfig.txt file, make sure you don't have the line write-back: yes, as it will write the changes to the underlying file instead of to the EditPlus window. Either change it to write-back: no or delete the line, as no is the default setting.

Here's an example config file for Tidy:

--NOSLOW 07:17, 20 February 2008 (PST)

Play: 925,392 x| Durasi: 4:18 Download video Owl City - Shooting Star New Pop Song, May 2012 dengan ukuran 4.28 mb. Play: 101,244 x| Durasi: 3:43 Download video Owl City - Shooting Star S dengan ukuran 4.44 mb. Play: 7,796,364 x| Durasi: 4:07 Download video Owl City - Shooting Star dengan ukuran 4.08 mb. Download lagu owl city fireflies. Play: 65,670 x| Durasi: 4:34 Download video Owl City - Shooting Star Acoustic dengan ukuran 4.44 mb. Play: 51,886 x| Durasi: 10:00:19 Download video Owl City Shooting Star 10 Hours dengan ukuran 20.00.210 mb.


Compile NAnt Projects

Description: Compiles NAnt project for DotNet.
Command: nant.exe
Argument: $(CurSel) -find
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture Output', 'Save open files'
Output Pattern:

  • Regular Expression: ^[t ]*([.+] )?([^(]+)(([0-9]+),([0-9]+))
  • File Name: Tagged Expression 2
  • Line: Tagged Expression 3
  • Column: Tagged Expression 4

Tips: What you have selected when launching this tool would be treated as the target name of the build file. For instance, given that you have a '' file located in the same folder as the active file, and you have selected 'debug', then launch this tool. NAnt will compile the 'debug' target of the '' file.Please notice that there's a '-find' argument in the command line which enables Nant to search for build files in parent folders of the active file in case of no build file exists in the directory.

Posted By: Welman Jordan

Compile A Single C# File to Console EXE

Description: Compile c# code to a console executable file (for quick testing or very-light-weight application development purpose)
Command: %systemroot%Microsoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322csc
Argument: '$(FileName)' /r:System.dll / /nologo /debug
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture Output', 'Save open files'

  1. 'v1.1.4322' in 'command' should be the version number of the Microsoft .Net Framework;
  2. If you need to reference more assemblies, please add more '/r' stuff in the 'arguments'
  3. Please refer to the .Net Framework SDK Documentation on CSC (C Sharp Compiler) for more information about how to compile C# files. You may also consider using a 'Responding File'. However, NAnt Build files should be preferred if your project goes to be complex that you need to use 'responding files'.

Posted By: Welman Jordan


C/C++: Compiler

Website: (one of the better distributions available)
Description: Compiles your C or C++ project using a makefile and lets you jump to problematic lines by clicking in the output window.
Command: C:MinGWbinmake.exe (or just 'make.exe' if you edited your environment variables)
Argument [Optional]: -f mymakefile (if your makefile is named 'mymakefile' without an extension, otherwise make will look for 'makefile' or 'Makefile')
Initial Directory: $(DirWin)
Action: 'Capture output'
Save: 'Save open files'
Output Pattern:

  • Regular Expression: ^([^:]+):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+):?
  • File Name: Tagged Expression 1
  • Line: Tagged Expression 2
  • Column: Tagged Expression 3


  • Command:C:Python24Scriptsscons.bat
  • Argument:-D
  • Initial directory:$(DirWin)
  • Capture Output : Yes
  • Save : All Files

This allows you to auto-save, compile, and then double-click to goto the error line

'-D' option traverses up the current Directory tree to find the SConstruct file


Java: to HTML converter (current file)

Description: Converts the source code of the current Java file to HTML.
Command: java -jar c:pathtojava2html.jar -srcfile
Argument: $(FileName) -converter HTML -tabs 2 -style KAWA
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Close window on exit', 'Save open files'
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: to HTML converter (run program)

Description: Runs the Java to HTML program.
Command: java -jar c:pathtojava2html.jar
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: to HTML converter (all source in directory)

Description: converts all the source files in the files current directory to HTML.
Command: java -jar c:programmingjava2htmljava2html.jar
Argument: -srcdir '$(FileDir)' -converter HTML -tabs 2 -style KAWA
Check: 'Close window on exit', 'Save open files'
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: Compiler

Description: Compiles Java source code.
Command: c:pathtojavac.exe
Argument: $(FileName)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: Decompiler

Description: Decompiles Java class files.
Command: c:pathtojad.exe
Argument: -p '$(FilePath)'
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Posted By: Maximilian Stangel

Java: JVM Runtime

Description: Java Virtual Machine runtime that lets you execute your Java class files.
Command: c:pathtojava.exe
Argument: $(FileNameNoExt)
Check: 'Capture output'
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: compile $package.$classname

Description: java compile keeping my .class files seperate from my .java files.
Command: C:Program FilesJavajdk1.6.0binjavac.exe
Argument: -Xlint -d c:javahomeclasses -cp c:javahomesrc;. $(FileName)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
See Also: I use this conjunction with the 'Java: run $package.$classname' usertool documented below.
Posted By: Keith Corlett

Java: run $package.$classname

FOR WINDOWS ONLY - Requires perl
Description: this perl script works out the package name of the current file (relative to my c:javahomesrc directory)and executes java.exe on $package.$(FileNameNoExt).. allowing me to keep my .class files separate from my .java files
The Script:C:Program FilesEditPlus

Command: C:Perlbinperl.exe
Argument: 'C:Program FilesEditPlus' $(FileDir) $(FileNameNoExt)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
See Also: I use this in conjunction with the 'Java: compile $package.$classname' usertool documented above.
Posted By: Keith Corlett

Java: JavaDoc

Description: Generates HTML documentation on classes by extracting comments from the Java source code files.
Command: c:pathtojavadoc.exe
Argument: -d '$(FileDir)documentation' -quiet -public -version -author -linksource -link $(FileName)
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output'
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: Applet Viewer

Description: Runs the applet viewer on the current file.
Command: c:pathtoappletviewer.exe
Argument: $(FileName)
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output'
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: API via CHM

Description: Looks up the current word in the Java API CHM help file. Make sure when adding this you click Add Tool → HTML help file (*.chm)
Command: c:pathtojdk142.chm
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: API Online

Description: Opens the Java API web page. You can also download the API so you can view it without an internet connection.
Command: c:pathtoMaxthon.exe (Maxthon is found at Similar command can be used for other browsers.
Argument: file:///C:/java_api_1.4.2/api/index.html
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: google 'java API ${SelectedText}'
Description: runs a Google search for 'java API ${SelectedText}' using firefox for results in English
Note: this is useful for finding third party (non-sun) API doco.Command: C:pathtofirefox.exe
Initial Directory: $(FileDir) but this doesn't really matter
Posted By: Keith Corlett

Java: Source Format (Current File)

Description: Formats Java source code.
Command: cmd.exe /c type
Argument: $(FileName) java -jar c:pathtojalopy-console-1.0.4.jar 2>nul
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Posted By: Brett Batie

Java: Source Format (All Directories)

Description: Formats Java source code.
Command: java.exe -jar c:programmingjalopylibjalopy-console-1.0.4.jar -r
Argument: '$(FileDir)'
Check: 'Capture output'
Posted By: Brett Batie


Perl: Syntax Check

Description: Check perl syntax.
Command: c:pathtoperl.exe -c
Argument: '$(FilePath)'
Check: 'Capture output'
Posted By: James Kelly

Perl: Perltidy

Website: Runs Perltidy on the current file.
Command: c:pathtoperl.exe 'c:pathtoperltidy'
Argument: '$(FilePath)' -st
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Posted By: James Kelly
Note: You must copy PerltidylibPerl to Perlsitelib


website: Runs your groovy scripts
Command: C:pathtogroovy.batArgument: '$(FilePath)'
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Note: leave Initial Directory blank
Posted by: Kasim Tuman

Liberty Basic

Description: Compiles Libery Basic programs
Command: C:pathtoliberty.exe
Argument: '-R -A $(FilePath)'
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Save open files'
Posted by: Michael Jones, based on information from Peter Anderson


PHP: syntax checker

Description: Checks php syntax.
Command: c:pathtophp.exe -l
Argument: $(FileName)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Posted By: Brett Batie
Hint : it's better to use '$(FilePath)' (with the quotes) for the Argument.
Posted By: Alex Mathieu

PHP: syntax checker (remove HTML from error message)

Description: Checks php syntax.
Command: 'c:pathtophp.exe' -l -d html_errors=off
Argument: $(FileName)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Posted By: Stephen Ball
Hint : it's better to use '$(FilePath)' (with the quotes) for the Argument.
Posted By: Alex Mathieu

PHP: syntax checker (use output pattern to go to line)

Description: Click on error message to go to line in source file.
First: set up the syntax checker as above.
Select: Output Pattern
Uncheck: Use default output pattern
Regular Expression: ^.+ in (.+) on line ([0-9]+)
File name: Tagged Expression 1
Line: Tagged Expression 2
Column: None
Posted By: Peter Lafferty

PHP: The Online Manual

Website: Looks up current word in the online manual for PHP
Command: 'c:pathtobrowser'
Check: 'Save open files'
Posted By: Peter Lafferty
Hint : It can be faster to use the URL resolves to for your country, like '', '', ''.

PHP: External Browser Preview

Website: N/A
Description: PHP Development Aide - Preview current file, server-side, source code parsed by PHP engine
Command: 'c:Program FilesYourBrowser.exe'
Argument: http://localhost/$(CurSel)
Check: 'Save open files'
Posted By: Jeff Sabarese
Hint : the EditPlus Argument '$(CurSel)' is key here, but requires adopting a source-code commenting convention. Comment each file after the opening PHP tag to indicate the current file name and path (for example: // ./MySiteDev/Location/current.php ). When ready to preview, highlight this path info before executing the User Tool (as configured above). The magic of the '$(CurSel)' Argument will effectively preview the current file, without the inherent problem of the Browser prompting to 'Open File With..'. NOTE: LocalHost may be substituted for any server name-- very useful when using the FTP edit / save / upload option.

PHP: Function Prototype for built-in functions

Description: Show currently selected function's prototype in the output window. Poor man's Intellisense.
Step 1: Download 'funcsummary.txt' file from source repository [1]
Step 2: Create and save a php_func_hint.js file using the JScript below
Command: cscript.exe
Argument: //Nologo C:pathtophp_func_hint.js $(CurWord)
Check: Capture output, Save open files
Posted By: DV
JScript Code:

PHP: Run PHP Code from command line

Description: Uses the '-r' option to run a snippet of PHP code, e.g.

Command: C:pathtophp-win.exe
Argument: -r '$(Prompt)'
Check: Capture output, Save open files
Posted By: DV


Python: Python Runtime

Website: Python runtime that lets you execute your Python scripts.
Command: C:pathtopython.exe
Argument: '$(FilePath)'
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Output Pattern:

  • Regular Expression: File '(.+)', line ([0-9]+)
  • Regular Expression File name tag: Tagged Expression 1
  • Regular Expression Line: Tagged Expression 2

LSL - Linden Scripting Language

LSL: syntax checker

Description: Checks the syntactic and semantic validity of Second Life LSL scripts.
Command: c:pathtolslint.exe
Argument: '$(FilePath)'
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture Output', 'Save open files'
Output Pattern:

  • Regular Expression: ^[^(]+( *([0-9]+), *([0-9]+)
  • File Name:
  • Line: Tagged Expression 1
  • Column: Tagged Expression 2

NOTE: Remember to specify the quotes for Argument, as shown above. Otherwise you'll get 'Couldn't open file' errors for filenames with spaces.
NOTE: Click on error message in the output window to go to line in source file.
Posted By: Sami Salin (aka. Lecalat Starbrook @Second Life)


Website: Runs your ruby scripts
Command: C:pathtoruby.exe (Assume you have ruby on windows installed)
Argument: '$(FilePath)'
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Note: leave Initial Directory blank
Posted by: Kasim Tuman



Description: Executes your VBScript script
Command: cscript.exe
Argument: '$(FilePath)' //nologo
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Posted by: John Röthlisberger
Description: Debugs your VBScript script
Command: cscript.exe
Argument: '$(FilePath)' //nologo //d //x
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Posted by: Michael Jones

File Management

DOS (Current Location)

Description: Opens DOS in the directory of the currently open file.
Command: cmd.exe (or if on W95/98/ME,
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Posted By: Brett Batie

DOS (Executing current file)

Description: Execute current opened file in a DOS (cmd.exe) window.
Command: cmd.exe
Argument: /c '$(FileNameNoExt)'
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Posted By: PIT

ExamDIFF (freeware version)
Description: This compares the differences between two versions of a file. Answers the question: These look similar but which lines are different?
Command: c:pathtoExamDiff.exe
Argument: $(WindowList)
Upon running, it will open the window list. Simply hold CTRL and select the two files you would like to compare.
If you are comparing Remote FTP files, make sure to check the box next to 'Create temp file of remote file', and hit OK.
Posted By: Dean Householder

BeyondCompare (2.x)

Scooter Software
Description: BeyondCompare compares two versions of a file in a graphical interface, highlighting their differences.
Command: c:pathtoBC.exe
Argument: $(WindowList)
Notes: Upon running, it will open the window list. Simply hold CTRL and select the two files you would like to compare.
If you are comparing Remote FTP files, make sure to check the box next to 'Create temp file of remote file', and hit OK. If you select more than two files, only the first two will be opened in BeyondCompare.
Posted By: DZ-Jay

Explorer (Current Location)

Description: Opens windows explorer in the location of the current open file. Works great for programs like Tortoise SVN.
Command: %systemroot%explorer.exe /e,/root,local disk,
Argument: $(FileDir)
Posted By: Brett Batie

Explorer (Current Selection)

Description: Opens windows explorer in the location of the path currently selected.
Command: %systemroot%explorer.exe
Argument: /select, $(FilePath)
Posted By: Carlos Rivas

WinMerge: Compare two open files

Website: Shows the difference between two open files.
Command: C:Program FilesWinMergeWinMergeU.exe
Argument: $(WindowList)
Posted By: Brett Batie

Run Selection

Description: Runs (ShellExec) the currently selected text. It is equivallent to entering the selected text in the Windows 'run' dialog.
This tool also works to launch URLs, explore folder paths or launch a file (with with a registered extension).

  1. If 'regedit.exe' is selected, the Registry Editor application is launched (assumes %systemroot% is in your path).
  2. If 'C:EditPluseditplus.hlp' is selected, the EditPlus help file is opened.

Command: %systemroot%system32RunDLL32.exe
Argument: shell32.dll,ShellExec_RunDLL '$(CurSel)'
Close Window on Exit: On
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)
Posted By: Carlos Rivas

Jump To File in Project

Author: Mark Kahn
Description: Gives a type-able input that allows you to jump directly to any file in a given project.

  • Can only be used in a project
  • The project MUST be local
  • The first time you load the tool, it will take anywhere from several seconds to minutes to load depending on the number of files in your project. After this, it caches the files in the project and will load much faster
  • The tool will re-scan the project folders every 30 seconds, so files added or deleted will not instantly show up
  • The tool will not take note of any changes to files or folders included in the project (via Project-->Edit Projects) until it is re-launched
  • The tool must be re-launched after switching projects
  • Must have internet access. If this is a problem download the .hta from google code, then download the .js and .css files that are linked


  • Under Arguments below, the INI directory can be found under Tools-->Set Directories


  • Please note that .hta applications have a LARGE amount of control over your computer and that running one directly from the SVN repository is risky -- if someone else adds malicious code, it will run on your computer directly -- and that downloading the .hta is preferred

Command: mshta ''
Arguments: 'c:PathToINIDirectory' '$(AppDir)' '$(ProjectName)'
Check: 'Run Hidden'
Save: None

Version Control

Microsoft Visual SourceSafe

EditPlus user tool commands to interface with command-line version of Microsoft Visual SourceSafe
Description: Display name of current VSS project
Menu text: Current Project
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: project
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output'
Description: Set current VSS project
Menu text: Set Project
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: cp
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Prompt for arguments'
Description: Create a new VSS project and set as current
Menu text: Create / Set Project
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: create -c- -s
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Prompt for arguments'
Description: Set VSS project working folder
Menu text: Set Working Folder
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: workfold '$(FileDir)'
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output'
Description: List files in VSS project
Menu text: Directory
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: dir -c
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output'
Description: Display status of current file in VSS
Menu text: Status
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: status '$(FileName)'
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output'
Description: Get a file from VSS to working folder
Menu text: Get File
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: get
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Prompt for arguments'
Description: Get latest version of current EditPlus file from VSS, overwriting existing file on disk
Menu text: Get Latest Version
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: get '$(FileName)'
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Check out current EditPlus file from VSS, overwriting existing file on disk
Menu text: Check Out
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: checkout '$(FileName)' -c-
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Display differences between current EditPlus file and version in VSS
Menu text: Difference
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: diff '$(FileName)' -ds
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Undo checkout of current EditPlus file from VSS
Menu text: Undo Checkout
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: undocheckout '$(FileName)' -p
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Check current EditPlus file into VSS
Menu text: Check In
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: checkin '$(FileName)' -c- -p
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Check current EditPlus file into VSS but keep checked out
Menu text: Check In / Keep Checked Out
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: checkin '$(FileName)' -c- -k -p
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Add current EditPlus file into VSS
Menu text: Add File
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: add '$(FileName)' -c-
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Add current EditPlus file into VSS and check out
Menu text: Add File / Check Out
Command: C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioCommonVSSwin32SS.EXE
Argument: add '$(FileName)' -c- -k
Initial directory: $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Posted By: Michael Jones


EditPlus user tool commands to interface with CS-RCS
Description: Create current EditPlus file in CS-RCS
Menu text: Create
Command: D:Program FilesComponentSoftwareCS-RCSSystemcsrcs.exe
Argument: Create $(FilePath)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Display status of current EditPlus file in CS-RCS
Menu text: Status
Command: D:Program FilesComponentSoftwareCS-RCSSystemcsrcs.exe
Argument: Status $(FilePath)
Check: 'Capture output'
Description: Display status of current EditPlus file in CS-RCS
Menu text: History
Command: D:Program FilesComponentSoftwareCS-RCSSystemcsrcs.exe
Argument: History $(FilePath)
Check: 'Capture output'
Description: Check out current EditPlus file from CS-RCS, overwriting existing file on disk
Menu text: Check Out
Command: D:Program FilesComponentSoftwareCS-RCSSystemcsrcs.exe
Argument: CheckOut $(FilePath)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Description: Check current EditPlus file into CS-RCS
Menu text: Check In
Command: D:Program FilesComponentSoftwareCS-RCSSystemcsrcs.exe
Argument: CheckIn $(FilePath)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Posted By: Michael Jones


Description: Compare differences of current file to base SVN repository, using WinMerge.
Menu text: SVN Diff
Command: C:pathtofilesvndiff.bat
Argument: $(FileDir) $(FileName)
Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Depends: WinMerge, this batch file:

Subversion Commit

Description: Commit Files to Server with TortoiseSVN
Prerequesits: Files should be in Working Copy (previous checkout with TortoiseSVN)
Menu text: SVN Commit
Command: C:Program FilesTortoiseSVNbinTortoiseProc.exe (or similar)
Argument: /command:commit /path:'$(FilePath)' /notempfile /closeonend:0 (use '$(FileDir)' if you want to commit the current file's directory)
Initial Directory: $(FileDir)Check: 'Capture output', 'Save open files'
Depends: [ TortoiseSVN]

Subversion Update, Delete, Rename, Checkout etc

Replace /command:<command> with one of the following commands:


SQL Server: sqlcmd / isql

Description: Execute SQL commands using sqlcmd or isql utility and capture output.
Command: sqlcmd.exe (MSSQL 2005) or isql.exe (previous versions)
Argument: -S HOST -U USERNAME -P PASSWORD -e -d $(Prompt) -Q '$(CurSel)'
Check: 'Capture output'
Notes: Prompts for a database name and executes the selected (highlighted) statement
Posted By: Kai Hilton-Jones

Oracle: SQL*Plus

Description: Execute SQL commands using SQL*Plus utility and capture output.

First create and save a DOS batch file (sqlplus.bat):

@echo off

Command: c:pathtosqlplus.bat
Argument: '$(CurSel)'
Check: 'Capture output'
Notes: The batch file pipes the selected statement to SQL*Plus and outputs the result.
Posted By: Kai Hilton-Jones

Oracle: Compile PLSQL

Description: Compile PLSQL Procedure, function, packages and triggers.

Create and save a DOS batch file (compilsql.bat):

@echo off
echo exit; echo show errors; sqlplus -S %1 @%2

Command: c:(Your Path)compilsql.bat
Argument: $(Prompt) $(FileName)
Initial Directory : $(FileDir)
Check: 'Capture output' and 'Save open files'
Notes: The batch file prompts for the username, password and Database, compiles the current file and shows the compilation errors
The username, password and database should be passed like this: USER/PASSWORD@DATABASE
Posted By: Raed Jribi


Function List

Description: I use this to show functions and classes in the output window. This will work on winXP or win2000. The regular expression may also need modified to your preference. Note: The function window Ctrl+F11 can also be used but this tool will allow you to view both your code and the functions at the same time.
Command: findstr /R /I /N 'public.*{$ protected.*{$ private.*{$ static.*{$' $(FileName)
Argument: $(FileName)
Check: 'Capture output'
Output Pattern:

  • Regular Expression: ^([0-9]+):
  • Regular Expression Line: Tagged Expression 1

Posted By: Brett Batie

Python Function List

Based on the above:

Command: findstr /n /o /r '<def>'
Argument: $(FilePath)
Check: 'Capture output'
Output Pattern:

  • Regular Expression: ^([0-9]+):([0-9]+):
  • File name: None
  • Line: Tagged Expression 1
  • Column: Tagged Expression 2

Posted By: Igor Kogan


Website: I use the standard free ruler to measure the size of images, tables, content area, etc. It adds a ruler to your screen to measure anything!
Posted By: Dean Householder


Website: A Free full featured pixel/inch/etc. Ruler. Much like JRuler, but with more features.
Posted By: John Morse

Markdown Syntax

Website: Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML). Great for writing blog posts.
Command: perl
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Posted by: Ankit Solanki.

N.B. You will need to specify the location of both perl and - EditPlus will not find them if they are in the path.

Make file writeable

Description: clears the read-only file attribute on the current file.
Command: attrib.exe
Argument: -R '$(FilePath)'
Check: 'Close window on exit'

Parse 1-n ranges into text, ie [0-9]

Description: Parses an unlimited number of numeric, alpha, alphanumeric, hex or octal ranges into text.
Author: Mark Kahn
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Notes: Take the code and save it as a .js file. Returns 1 copy of exactly what you send it for each replacement necessary. So if you want it to return 1 entry per line, make sure you select a linebreak when running this tool.


Full RegEx Supported Replace and More!

Description: Does a full regular expression replace based on the file or expression.
Author: Mark Kahn
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Notes: The first line of whatever you send has to be the regular expression you want parsed. The 2nd line is what you want it replaced with. Anything on the replace line between { and } sets is eval'd in JavaScript, meaning if you can do TONS of stuff that isn't possible with normal Regular Expressions, like {$1*$2} which will multiple the first match times the second.


Fix Code Spacing

Description: 'Fixes' code spacing by aligning = signs, :'s, etc. Makes code much easier to read.
Author: Mark Kahn
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'


Fix Code Indentation

Description: 'Fixes' JavaScript/PHP/C++/etc code indentation by throwing away most starting indentation and replacing it based on braces & parenthesis. The script will ignore spacing that is inside sets of parenthesis, i.e. function variables that are aligned.
Known Bugs: Does not ignore PHP 'heredoc' strings: e.g. '<<<EOF .. EOF;' blocks. It will format these as it would any other block of code.
Author: Mark Kahn
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'


Full Prompted RegEx Replace

Description: Full reg-ex support for a normal find/replace. It prompts you for two arguments, the first being the regex in a linux style syntax, the second being what to replace the regex with. The first argument should look like: '/[re][ge]x/gi', without the quotes. Your regular expression goes between the two /'s and the 'gi' at the end mean: 'g' means global - you will almost always want this as it allows multiple replaces. Without 'g', the regex will stop after the first match. 'i' means 'ignore case'.
Author: Mark Kahn
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'

XML Beautifier

Description: Simply formats an XML document by stripping whitespace and adding it back in.
Author: Mark Kahn
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'

Transpose Array

Description: Swap rows for columns in tab-separated text. Great for use with a spreadsheet.
Author: jimbo
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'


Natural Sort

Description: .
Author: jimbo
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Get File: Get and save javascript natcompare.js via to whatever directory this scriptis in.

Free osho ebook. Code:

Alternate Function List With JS

Description: It show function list like 'Search in files' command: You can see the line number, and click it on.
Author: Laszlo Szalai
Command: cscript //NoLogo 'c:path to filefile.js'
Argument: $(FilePath) '^[ t]*([A-Za-z0-9_]*[ t]*function[ t]*[A-Za-z0-9_]+([^;]*)$'
Check: 'Text filter to Output Window'
Click on Output Pattern.. button
UnCheck: Use default output pattern
Regular expression: ^(([0-9]+))[ t]*:
Regular expression tags:
File name: Not Defined
Line: Tagged Expression 1
Column: Not Defined

Full PHP RegEx

Description: You can use all php regex and function.
Author: Jean Pierre DAviau
Command: pathTo/php.exe -f 'C:yourPathtest.php'</tt>
Check: 'Run as text filter'
Disclaimer: It does work for me.


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