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The analysis of the global environment of a company is called global environmental analysis. This analysis is part of a company’s analysis-system, which also comprises various other analyses, like the industry analysis, the market analysis and the analyses of companies, clients and competitors. This system can be divided into a macro and micro level. Except for the global environmental analysis, all other analyses can be found on the micro level. Though, the global environmental analysis describes the macro environment of a company.[1] A company is influenced by its environment. Many environmental factors, especially economical or social factors, play a big role in a company’s decisions, because the analysis and the monitoring of those factors reveal chances and risks for the company’s business. This environmental framework also gives information about location issues. A company is thereby able to determine its location sites. Furthermore, many other strategic decisions are based on this analysis. One may also apply the BBW model.[2][3] In addition, the factors are analyzed to evaluate external business developments.[4] It is finally the task of the management to adapt the firm to its environment or to influence the environment in an adequate way. The latter is mostly the more difficult option. There are different instruments to analyze the company’s environment which are going to be explained afterwards.

  • 1PESTLE analysis
  • 2Methods of the global environmental analysis

PESTLE analysis[edit]

One instrument to analyse the company’s external environment is the PEST analysis. PEST stands for political, economical, social and technological factors. Two more factors, the legal and environmental factor, are defined within the PESTLE analysis.[5] To explain these environmental factors, it is necessary to say that most of the factors depend on each other and that they change over the years. Consequently, when one factor changes it also affects the others. The equality for every company is the main characteristic of the factors in an environmental analysis.[6] The different environmental factors are covered below.

Political and legal factors[edit]

Political and legal factors are here regarded as a unit. They refer to framework given by politics. The exist regulatory or legal frameworks, which can be binding for regions, nations or on an international basis. The frameworks deal with economical issues or issues concerning the labour market.Subsidies for instance fall in the category of economical issues. According to the degree of support through subsidies, a country can be more or less attractive for a company. With respect to the labour law of a country, it can highly influence location decisions, too. If e.g. the dismissal protection in a country is very good, a firm may tend to choose a country with a more flexible hire-and-fire-system. Furthermore, the stability of a political system is a real important aspect for most firms. A social market economy with rights for co-determination, regulations for patents, the company’s investment and environment protection are main characteristics for a political stable system.

Economical factors[edit]

Economical factors deal with national or international economical developments and have a direct influence on supplier and consumer markets. Examples of economical factors that play a big role are: the GDP, the rate of inflation, interests, the change rate, employment or the situation of money markets. These economical factors influence demand, competition intensity, cost pressure and the will to invest. For instance, if the gross domestic product of a country is fairly low, the demand is in general lower than in countries with a higher GDP.

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Social factors[edit]

Social factors deal with social issues regarding the values, ideas, opinions and the culture of market participants. Market participants can be employees, customers or suppliers. Through their contact with the company, they influence it due to their opinions. The company needs to follow the market participant’s change of value and adapt its strategies. Nowadays, a change of values concerning environmental protection is on the move.

Technological environmental factors[edit]

Technological environmental factors are meanwhile of a great importance, especially for industrial companies, which underlie a fast technological change. The increasing speed of technological changes, like in microelectronics or robotics indicate risks chances for a company. Particularly producing companies are affected of that fast evolution.

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Environmental factors[edit]

At last, environmental factors are becoming more and more important nowadays. They regard natural resources and the basis of human life. Among those, the availability of raw materials and energy is the main topic. As the availability of fossil fuels, like oil or coal, gets worse within the next decades, the dependency on those fuels stays pretty risky. Moreover, to show an ecological responsibility, companies should assess and reduce their ecological damage. Through rare raw materials and increasing pollution, an environmentally friendly management gets spotlighted more and more by the public interest. Consequently, eco-friendly products or technologies can even signify a competitive advantage.[7]

Methods of the global environmental analysis[edit]

The segmentation according to the six presented factors of the PESTLE analysis is the starting point of the global environmental analysis. The analysis can be done with the help of a checklist that evaluates every criteria of a segment. In this manner, the status of the global environment shall be defined. In general, every segment needs to be worked on systematically to recognize changes. Then, the factors and its impacts can be interpreted right. After the segmentation, the analysis consists of four further steps:

  1. Environmental Scanning
  2. Environmental Monitoring
  3. Environmental Forecasting
  4. Environmental Assessment

Environmental scanning[edit]

The first step is called scanning. Through environmental scanning, every segment is analyzed to find trend indicators. Thus, after having examined the segment, indicators for its development are defined.[8] According to Fahey and Narayanan, scanning reveals ‘actual or imminent change because it explicitly focuses on areas that the organisation may have previously neglected’.[9] Scanning is also used to detect weak signals in the environment, before these have conflated into a recognizable pattern, which might affect the organization’s competitive environment.

Scanning can include every material published in the media such as television, newspapers and periodicals.[10] This method of scanning is called media-scanning. Product-scanning includes scanning of products which announce re-emerging consumer behaviour. Looking for global trends on the internet can be defined as online-scanning.[11]

Modes of scanning

Four modes of scanning can be distinguished. Francis Joseph Aguilar (1967) differentiates between undirected viewing, conditioned viewing, informal search and formal search.

  • 'Undirected viewing' means reading a variety of publications for no specific purpose with the possible exception of exploration. This mode is the most cost-efficient one but it also offers the most benefits. There are a lot of varied sources and information which means that the potential data are unlimited. Data are imprecise and vague and there are no guidelines which determine where the search should be focused.
  • Applying 'conditioned viewing' the viewer pays attention to the particular kinds of data and assesses their significance for the organization. The field of information is more or less clearly identified.
  • 'Informal searching' can be defined as actively seeking specific information in a relatively unstructured way.
  • The contrast of informal searching is called 'formal searching'. This proactive mode of scanning contains methodologies for obtaining information for specific purposes.[12]

Environmental monitoring[edit]

Environmental scanning is only one component of global environmental analysis. After having identified critical trends and potential events they have to be monitored. The next step in global environmental analysis is called environmental monitoring. It can be defined as 'the process of repetitive observing for defined purposes, of one or more elements or indicators of the environment according to pre-arranged schedules in space and time, and using comparable methodologies for environmental sensing and data collection'.[13] Through environmental monitoring, data about environmental developments are recorded, followed and interpreted. Out of this, historical development changes that are important for the company can be recognized and evaluated. Additionally, the relevance and the reliability of the data sources are tested. Furthermore, it is checked where prognoses are required.

Environmental forecasting[edit]

The direction, intensity and speed of environmental trends are explored through environmental forecasting. Especially the search for possible threats is of importance. A prognosis of trends is necessary to get a picture of the future. This is done by adequate methods, like strategic foresight or scenario analysis.[8] Several other methods of forecasting are the following: guessing, rule of thumb, expert judgement, extrapolation, leading indicators, surveys, time-series models and econometric systems.[14]

  • 'Guessing' and related methods totally rely on luck. Consequently, it is not generally a useful method. In addition, it is almost impossible to evaluate the uncertainty of a guess in advance.
  • 'Expert judgement' lacks validation being the only component of forecasting. It is hardly to predict which ‘oracle’ is successful.
  • 'Extrapolation' is effective when tendencies exist. Forecasts are most effective when changes are predicted in tendencies. Prediction in changes in tendencies is likely to miss concerning extrapolative methods.
  • 'Forecasting based on leading indicators' needs a stable relationship between the variables that lead and the variables that are led. If the reasons for the lead are not clear the indicators may give misleading information.
  • 'Surveys' of businesses can give information about the future. They rely on planning which needs to be realized. Changes in business implicate changes in planning.
  • 'Time-series models' are popular forecasting methods. They describe historical patterns of data and they focus on “measurable uncertainty”.
  • 'Econometric systems' of equations are the main tool of economic forecasting. They consist of equations which attempt to “model” the behaviour of economic groups such as consumers, producers, workers, investors etc. moderated by historical experience. There are several advantages of using formal econometric systems: Economists are able 'to consolidate existing empirical and theoretical knowledge.., provide a framework for a progressive research strategy.., help to explain their own failures, as well as provide forecasts and policy advice.'[15]

Environmental assessment[edit]

In the last step of the global environmental analysis, the results of the previous three steps (Scanning, Monitoring, Forecasting) are assessed. The discovered environmental trends are reviewed to estimate the probability of their occurrence. Furthermore, they need to be analyzed to evaluate whether they represent a chance or a risk for the company. The dimension of the chances or risks is also of importance. Moreover, a reaction strategy to the occurring risks or chances needs to be defined. This is done with the help of the Issue-Impact-Matrix, an adequate instrument to evaluate and prioritize trends. The forecasted environmental factors are here classified with respect to their probability of occurrence and their impact on the company. According to their classification, they demonstrate a high, medium or low priority for the company. The factors with a high occurrence probability and a high, significant impact on the company have the highest priority. The higher the priority, the faster need to be reacted to avoid risks and to benefit from chances.[16] The environmental assessment represents the last step of the global environmental analysis.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Dillerup, R. (2006). Unternehmensführung. München: Vahlen. p. 179.
  2. ^Kohlöffel, K. M. (2000). Strategisches Management – Alle Chancen nutzen – Neue Geschäfte erschließen. München Wien: Carl Hanser Verlag. p. 125.
  3. ^Dillerup, R. (2006). Unternehmensführung. München: Vahlen. p. 179.
  4. ^Bleicher, K. (2004). Das Konzept Integriertes Management – Visionen, Missionen, Programme, 7th edition. Frankfurt/Main, Campus. p. 536.
  5. ^Jeffs, C. (2008). Strategic Management. SAGE Publications Ltd. p. 29.
  6. ^Bea, F.X., Haas, J. (2005). Strategisches Management, 4th edition. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius.
  7. ^Dillerup, R. (2006). Unternehmensführung. München: Vahlen. p. 180.
  8. ^ abDillerup, R. (2006). Unternehmensführung. München: Vahlen. p. 183.
  9. ^Mercer, D. (1998). Marketing strategy: the challenge of external environment. The Open University. p. 57.
  10. ^Mercer, D. (1998). Marketing strategy: the challenge of external environment. The Open University. p. 56.
  11. ^Neu, M. (2005). Unternehmensführung, 2nd edition. BWV. p. 107.
  12. ^Mercer, D. (1998). Marketing strategy: the challenge of external environment. The Open University. p. 57.
  13. ^Von Agarwal, S. K. (2005). Environmental monitoring. Kul Bhushan Nangia: APH Publishing Corporation. p. 2.
  14. ^Clements, M. P., Hendry, D. F. (2002). A companion to economic forecasting. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. p. 3.
  15. ^Clements, M. P., Hendry, D. F. (2002). A companion to economic forecasting. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. p. 4.
  16. ^Dillerup, R., Stoi, R. (2011). Unternehmensführung, 3rd edition. München: Vahlen. p. 75.
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Global marketing is “marketing on a worldwide scale reconciling or taking commercial advantage of global operational differences, similarities and opportunities in order to meet global objectives'.[1][2]

Global marketing is also a field of study in general business management that aims to market products, solutions and services to customers locally, nationally, and internationally. I am so lonely broken angel mp3 song free download skull.

International marketing is the extension of an organization's product or services into another country. This can be achieved by exporting a company's product into another location, entry through a joint venture with another firm in the target country, or foreign direct investment into the target country. The development of the marketing mix for that country is then required - international marketing. This can include the use of existing marketing strategies, mix and tools for export on the one side, or a relationship strategy including localization, local product offerings, pricing, production and distribution with customized promotions, offers, website, social media and leadership etc. Internationalization and international marketing meets the needs of selected foreign countries where a company's value can be exported and there is inter-firm and firm learning, optimization, and efficiency in economies of scale and scope.

  • 1Evolution to global marketing
  • 2Elements of global marketing
  • 3Advantages and disadvantages
    • 3.1Advantages

Evolution to global marketing[edit]

The international marketplace has been transformed by shifts in trading techniques, standards and practices. These changes have been reinforced and retained by new technologies and evolving economic relationships between the companies and organizations involved in international trade. The traditional ethnocentric conceptual view of international marketing trade is being counterbalanced by a more global view of markets.

Domestic marketing[edit]

Domestic marketing is the limited commercialization of goods and services to a single, home country.[3]

The advantages of domestic marketing include familiarity with the extent of political risk, the quality of skilled human resources and of natural resources, and the ramifications of existing and likely legislation in relevant areas such as safety, hygiene, employment, and ownership of capital.[4]

These markets are restrained by the laws and regulations of the country. Domestic marketing is typically organized in the headquarters.

Global marketing[edit]

Global marketing requires a firm to understand the requirements associated with servicing customers locally with global standard solutions or products, and localizes that product as required to maintain an optimal balance of cost, efficiency, customization and localization in a control-customization continuum to meet local, national and global requirements.

Global marketing and global branding are integrated. Branding involves a structured process of analyzing 'soft' assets and 'hard' assets of a firm's resources. The strategic analysis and development of a brand includes customer analysis (trends, motivation, unmet needs, segmentation), competitive analysis (brand image/brand identity, strengths, strategies, vulnerabilities), and self-analysis (existing brand image, brand heritage, strengths/capabilities, organizational values).[5]

Global brand identity development is the process of establishing brands of products, the firm, and services locally and worldwide with consideration for scope, product attributes, quality, uses, users and country of origin; organizational attributes; personality attributes, and brand customer relationship; and importantly symbols, trademarks metaphors, imagery, mood, photography and the company's brand heritage.

A global marketing and branding implementation system distributes marketing assets, affiliate programs and materials, internal communications, newsletters, investor materials, event promotions and trade shows to deliver an integrated, comprehensive and focused communication, access and value to the customers.

Elements of global marketing[edit]


The product must deliver a minimum level of performance. [6]

A global company must be able to tweak elements of a product for different markets. For example, Coca-Cola uses two formulas (one with sugar, one with corn syrup) for all markets. The product packaging in every country incorporates the contour bottle design and the dynamic ribbon in some way, shape, or form. The bottle can also include the country's native language and is the same size as other beverage bottles or cans in that same country.

Luxury products, high-tech products, and new innovations are the most common products in the global marketplace[7] because they are easier to market due to a lack of traditional cultural values attached to their meanings.


The price of a product varies based on factors such as costs of production, target segment, and supply-demand dynamics. There can be several types of pricing strategies, each tied in with an overall business plan. Pricing can also be used as a demarcation, to differentiate and enhance the image of a product.[6]

Price will always vary from market to market.


Refers to the point of sale.

How the product is distributed is influenced by how the competition is being offered to the target market. With Coca-Cola, not all cultures use vending machines. In the United States, beverages are sold by the pallet via warehouse stores. In India, this is not an option. Placement decisions are also affected by the product's position in the market place. For example, a high-end product would not be distributed via a dollar store in the United States. Conversely, a product promoted as the low-cost option in France would find limited success in a pricey boutique.


Activities undertaken to make the product or service known to the user and trade including advertising, word of mouth, press reports, incentives, commissions and awards to the trade. It can also include consumer schemes, direct marketing, contests and prizes.[6]

Advantages and disadvantages[edit]


The advantages of global marketing include:

  • Economies of scale in production and distribution
  • Lower marketing costs
  • Power and scope
  • Consistency in brand image
  • Ability to leverage ideas quickly and efficiently
  • Uniformity of marketing practices
  • Helps to establish relationships outside of the 'political arena'
  • Helps to encourage ancillary industries to be set up to cater for the needs of the global player
  • Benefits of eMarketing over traditional marketing


The internet provides a low-cost means for businesses to expand their reach globally. Global reach was traditionally limited to multinationals with large budgets, but eMarketing opens up new avenues for smaller businesses to access potential consumers from all over the world.[8]


Internet marketing provides flexibility to marketers in terms of product offerings and channels to reach consumers. eMarketing includes information management, public relations, customer service and sales.


eMarketing facilitates conversations between companies and consumers. With a two-way communication channel, companies can adapt to the responses of their consumers.


Internet marketing is able to provide an immediate impact. eMarketing enables businesses to effectively operate 24/7.

Demographics and targeting[edit]

Internet users can be considered a demographic group skewed towards the middle-classes.

Marketers can also access niche markets through eMarketing more easily.

Cross cultural negotiation[edit]

The dimensions of culture is an area of marketing and social science that is closely related to Global marketing. The ability to discern cultural differences through initial assessment of another market is considered a critical enabler to progress in Global marketing.

Cultural value differences are a factor in the effectiveness of an advertisement campaign as advertising campaigns will be perceived differently in different countries.

Adaptivity and closed loop marketing[edit]

Closed loop marketing requires the constant measurement and analysis of the results of marketing initiatives.

With eMarketing, responses can be analyzed in real-time and campaigns can be tweaked continuously.


  • Differences in consumer needs, wants, and usage patterns for products
  • Differences in consumer response to marketing mix elements
  • Differences in brand and product development and the competitive environment
  • Differences in the legal environment, some of which may conflict with those of the home market
  • Differences in the institutions available, some of which may call for the creation of entirely new ones (e.g. infrastructure)
  • Differences in administrative procedures
  • Differences in product placement
  • Differences in the administrative procedures and product placement can occur

See also[edit]


  1. ^'A Dictionary of Marketing'. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 4 October 2017.
  2. ^'International Marketing vs Global Marketing (10 Differences)'. eduCBA. 16 September 2016. Retrieved 4 October 2017.
  3. ^'Difference Between Domestic and International Marketing (with Comparison Chart)'. Key Differences. 1 December 2015. Retrieved 21 April 2019.
  4. ^Paliwoda & Thomas, Stanley J. & Michael J. (1998). International Marketing. London, England: The Chartered Institute of Marketing. p. 13. ISBN978-1-135-38710-5.
  5. ^Building Strong Brands, David Aaker, E.T. Grether Professor of Marketing Strategy at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley
  6. ^ abc'Definition of Marketing Mix What is Marketing Mix ? Marketing Mix Meaning'. The Economic Times. Retrieved 21 April 2019.
  7. ^Gram, M (2007). 'Whiteness and western values in global advertisements: An exploratory study'. Journal of Marketing Communications.
  8. ^'Pros & Cons of a Global Marketing Strategy'. Retrieved 12 April 2019.

Further reading[edit]

  • Hollensen, Svend (2017) Global Marketing, 7th edition, Pearson, ISBN978-1-292-10011-1 .
  • Svante Andersson & Göran Svensson (editors) (2009) Global Marketing: think globally and act locally, Lund: Studentlitteratur, ISBN978-91-44-05555-8 .
  • Kotabe, Masaki and Helsen, Kristiaan (2004) Global Marketing Management, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN0-471-23062-6 .
  • Philip Kotler & Keller (2005) Marketing Management, 12th edition, ISBN81-203-2799-3 .
  • Theodore Levitt (May–June 1983) 'The Globalization of Markets', Harvard Business Review 61: 92-10.
  • Young, Charles E. (April 2005) Advertising Research Handbook, Ideas in Flight, Seattle, ISBN0-9765574-0-1.

External links[edit]

  • Media related to Global marketing at Wikimedia Commons
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