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Published online 2010 Jul 30. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-405
PMID: 20673335
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Today, data evaluation has become a bottleneck in chromatographic science. Analytical instruments equipped with automated samplers yield large amounts of measurement data, which needs to be verified and analyzed. Since nearly every GC/MS instrument vendor offers its own data format and software tools, the consequences are problems with data exchange and a lack of comparability between the analytical results. To challenge this situation a number of either commercial or non-profit software applications have been developed. These applications provide functionalities to import and analyze several data formats but have shortcomings in terms of the transparency of the implemented analytical algorithms and/or are restricted to a specific computer platform.


This work describes a native approach to handle chromatographic data files. The approach can be extended in its functionality such as facilities to detect baselines, to detect, integrate and identify peaks and to compare mass spectra, as well as the ability to internationalize the application. Additionally, filters can be applied on the chromatographic data to enhance its quality, for example to remove background and noise. Extended operations like do, undo and redo are supported.


OpenChrom is a software application to edit and analyze mass spectrometric chromatographic data. It is extensible in many different ways, depending on the demands of the users or the analytical procedures and algorithms. It offers a customizable graphical user interface. The software is independent of the operating system, due to the fact that the Rich Client Platform is written in Java. OpenChrom is released under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL). There are no license constraints regarding extensions. They can be published using open source as well as proprietary licenses. OpenChrom is available free of charge at


Software has become an integral part of analysis techniques. Especially in the area of gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, automatic samplers enable high throughput analyses. Software assists handling large amounts of data generated by automated and fast operating analytical instruments. Modern computer systems are inexpensive, powerful and allow analysis techniques that could not have been applied in the past. Deconvolution, a chromatographic quality enhancing technique, demonstrates for instance that increasing processor power makes new analysis techniques applicable. The technique of deconvolution has been described by Biller and Biemann [1,2], Dromey et al. [3], Colby [4], Hindmarch et al. [5], Halket et al. [6], Kong et al. [7], Taylor et al. [8], Pool et al. [9,10] and Davies [11] in various ways. Stein [12] published an enhanced deconvolution algorithm that has been implemented in the software AMDIS (Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System) [13]. AMDIS is available free of charge from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Windig et al. [14,15] described another approach to enhance chromatographic quality by a deconvolution method called CODA (Component Detection Algorithm). The commercially available software ACD/MS Manager [16] offers an implementation of this approach.

Increasing computational power enables new applications, but there is still a lack of interoperability. Instrument vendors, such as Agilent Technologies, Shimadzu, Thermo Fisher Scientific and Waters Corporation have created their own software and data format. Usually, the mass spectral data formats are binary and can only be accessed by the instrument vendors' proprietary software. Some commercial tools exist to convert the mass spectral data files into other formats, such as MASS Transit from PALISADE Corporation [17]. To avoid these limitations, some efforts have been made to design and implement interoperable data formats and software libraries as for example NetCDF [18] or mzXML [19,20]. But even if it is possible to convert the data files to other formats, there are drawbacks in data processing as each software implements specific functions, has its own graphical user interface and is in most cases commercially available only, as for example the applicable software of ChemStation, Xcalibur or MassLynx. Hence, the users are forced to become familiar with different software systems, user interfaces and methods. Moreover, the software tools primarily target only specific operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and Mac OSX. The number of software applications that are independent of the operating system and can also be run under Unix or Linux is limited. Linux systems are open source, available at no cost and their usage increases in scientific research (see Scientific Linux [21]), as well as in the public sector [22,23]. Software applications, such as AMDIS, have been published to be used free of charge, but their source code is not disposable. Thus, it is not possible to evaluate the algorithms implemented in the software. Especially in the case of scientific research, it is not possible to figure them out and to extend them. Even if algorithms are described in published papers [2,4,9,12,24], it is often impossible to validate them manually due to the complexity of chromatographic data. Other applications like ChemStation, Xcalibur, ACD/MS Manager are proprietary and closed source. They are only commercially available. There is no means of revealing the correctness of their utilized algorithms. Efforts have been made to solve the problems of missing interoperability and restricted access to source codes and algorithms [25]. Bioclipse is a sophisticated project that is open source and is focused with its algorithms on metabolism analysis and gene sequencing. Its techniques are state-of-the-art. Some other projects are mMass [26], COMSPARI [27] and fityk [28], but they do have some restrictions regarding their interoperability and extensibility. BioSunMS [29] is a tool to read TOF (Time of Flight) mass spectral data files, but it is not able to read instrument vendors' native data files. The Chemistry Development Kit (CDK) [30] implements convenient features to edit chemical data and structures, but it has no appropriate user interface. The open source tool OpenMS [31] aims to edit mass spectrometric data, but it is not completely platform independent, as it is written in C++ programming language.

Projects like Bioclipse, Sashimi [32] or TPP (Trans-Proteomic Pipeline) [33] are focused on the evaluation of metabolism products and gene sequencing and make extensive use of accurate mass resolution techniques. But there is still a lack of software systems that are capable to enhance nominal mass spectral data files, that are flexible, extensible and that offer an easy to use graphical user interface. According to the authors' knowledge, no application offers functions to import vendor systems chromatographic data files and has the ability to edit and analyze chromatograms in the way ChemStation and AMDIS do. No application combines the flexibility in analyses, is easily extensible, open source, platform independent and has a configurable graphical user interface.



OpenChrom is an open source software that aims to solve the aforementioned constraints getting rid of several restrictions. It is based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) [34], which is an OSGi (Open Service Gateway Initiative) based application environment that allows to build modular and flexible software systems. With the OSGi platform it is possible to extend the functionality of an application by dividing its components into different bundles. It is written in Java which is an interpreted language that depends on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and allows the execution of the software on several operating systems (Microsoft Windows, Mac OSX, Unix, Linux) and processor platforms (x86, PPC, AMD64, IA64, SPARC). It utilizes SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) to render its graphical user interface by using the native resources of the underlying operating system. The Rich Client Platform is state-of-the-art in today's software development. The platform is open to be extended afterwards due to the chosen concepts. It means that the platform doesn't need to be full-fledged at the beginning. Further methods and implementations can be developed separately. Nonetheless, still some effort is necessary to design a platform that covers all needs of a software application to edit, evaluate and modify chromatographic data. In contrast to Bioclipse, Sashimi or TPP, OpenChrom has a slightly different scope, as it is focused primarily on nominal mass resolution data. Mass spectrometers for nominal mass resolution are inexpensive, as for example quadrupole or ion trap instruments. But the data acquisition limits the range of possible applications. Software has the potential to enhance the quality of the recorded data, in contrary to the given limitations. Hence, the Rich Client Platform and the Java programming language were chosen, as they offer an excellent support for a highly extensible and abstract base framework. The OSGi based Rich Client Platform Equinox supports the definition of extension points. The use of different class paths makes it possible to execute code from separated bundles (Figure (Figure1).1). New functionality, e.g. to export a given chromatogram to a PDF file, can be implemented in a separate bundle making use of the extension point mechanism to import and export chromatographic data.

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RCP/OSGi and OpenChrom architecture. The RCP/OSGi and OpenChrom architecture shows the supported processor platforms and operating systems.

Tools in different areas have been implemented based on the Rich Client Platform, such as the Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Lotus Notes, Bioclipse, BioSunMS, XMind, Apache Directory Studio and several more. It is part of the OpenChrom architecture to define useful extension points and to build a suitable object model.

Object model

OpenChrom provides a designed object model to define chromatograms, scans, mass spectra, peaks and baselines. It is important to abstract the base model, as it reduces dependencies in code and allows for the implemention of further extensions. Therefore, the decision was to support an enhanced chromatogram, mass spectrum and peak model, written in Java. There is no preliminary compilation necessary on different operating systems. Further on, it is possible to cover special needs regarding the import of instrument vendors' binary chromatographic files. An excerpt of the OpenChrom object model is shown in a simplified UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram (Figure (Figure2).2). Java, as an object orientated language, supports the use of the four base strategies in object orientation: abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphic behavior and inheritance [35]. OpenChrom makes extensive use of the object orientated concept. The interface 'IChromatogram' and the abstract class 'AbstractChromatogram' define and implement methods, which are common for all types of chromatograms, independent of the instrument vendors' data format. Therefore, it is not necessary to implement them iterative in each vendor specific chromatogram class. The base framework and extension points, like peak detectors and integrators, are working still with instances of the type 'IChromatogram', instead of taking for example the differences of an Agilent and a NetCDF chromatogram into account. The object model for mass spectra and mass fragments, peaks and baselines is implemented in a similar way.

OpenChrom chromatogram object model. The OpenChrom chromatogram object model shows a simplified UML diagram of the chromatographic model OpenChrom uses.

Extension Points

The OpenChrom framework offers several bundles (Table (Table1).1). The most important one defines methods to implement specialized bundles that handle the import of chromatographic mass spectral data. It is possible to supply a bundle that is able to read binary chromatogram files, given by a specific instrument vendor. The bundle takes care of how to read a given file or directory. Furthermore, the framework offers extension points to detect and integrate peaks. The peak detection and integration have been separated, to make it possible to detect peaks with several peak detector methods and to integrate them with a specified integrator. This results in a more complex but also more flexible system. There is another extension point that allows to define bundles that are capable of detecting a baseline in the chromatogram model. Another flexible extension point was introduced, called filters. Bundles can extend the filter extension point to achieve a quality enhancement of the chromatographic data. They work comparable to filters in image processing software. One filter extension can for instance offer a set of methods to eliminate background signals from the chromatogram. Another filter can implement a routine to mean normalize the chromatogram. The filters offer editing steps, which are especially useful before peak detection and integration routines.

His shots are designed in away to imbue dread and stir it around our heads for a while beforehitting us with the scare. It uses familiartropes, such as self-starting children's toys, slamming doors, andsmashing furniture, but they're used as tools to mask the trulyfrightening fact that this family is up against something utterlybeyond their control - they're hopeless, and we can feel it.Mind you, The Conjuring 2 isn't without its faults. That's what true horror lacks these days,patience. The acting is uniformly great,but the true star of the film is James Wan. Conjuring 3 in hindi. The longer the anticipation is built and the more atmosphereis created, the more unsettling the situation becomes until it's like aticking time bomb that you anxiously wait to go off.

Table 1

baseline.detectorDetect baselines
comparisonCompare chromatograms and mass spectra
converterConverter to read binary/textual data files
converter.supplier.agilentRead Agilent data files
converter.supplier.cdfRead and write NetCDF data files
filterModify chromatographic data
identifierIdentify chromatograms, mass spectra and peaks
integratorIntegrate peaks
modelModels (chromatogram, mass spectrum, peak,..)
peak.detectorDetect peaks
loggingLogging facility
rcpBase application
thirdpartylibraries.*Third party libraries (SWTChart, log4j,..)

The OpenChrom software offers several extension points. Extension points are declared in bundles. The table shows a selected overview of bundles and suppliers.

Graphical User Interface

The Rich Client Platform offers a wide support to present an appropriate graphical user interface. Concepts detailing this include editors, views, perspectives, wizards, menus, cheat sheets, settings and help pages. OpenChrom makes extensive use of the available concepts. The editor shows the graphical representation of a chromatogram and several options, as for example a page to select or exclude distinct mass fragments. It also supports functions to save, edit and analyze chromatograms. The views are used to show different aspects of the chromatographic model. It is possible to show peaks in different kind of views. One view could show a peak including the background of the chromatogram. Another could show the peak with its increasing and decreasing tangents and its width at 50% height. A flexible mechanism was introduced to inform all views if the chromatogram selection has been changed. The update functionality is also realized by an extension point. Views and editors are composed in a task specific way using perspectives.

Results and Discussion

The OpenChrom software offers several options to edit and evaluate chromatographic data. It currently implements native converters to import mass spectrometric chromatograms from Agilent Technologies and to import and export NetCDF and mzXML files as well as a custom XML format to store the chromatographic data and additional information. The chromatogram file explorer (Figure (Figure3)3) shows a representation of the local file system and marks those files and directories that contain importable chromatographic data files or directories. The chromatogram can either be stored in a file, a directory or a set of files, as the converter extension point and the import and export converters take care of it. The chromatogram will be opened by a double click on the file. Additionally, a preview of the selected chromatogram file is shown in a specialized view in the user interface. The chromatogram itself is shown in a multi-page editor that is divided into a chromatogram as well as an options page. It is possible to save the chromatogram in several file formats. The NetCDF, mzXML and the customized OpenChrom XML format are actually supported. Nonetheless, the time to import and to save a chromatogram depends on its format and size. It takes more time to process XML based formats like mzXML than binary formats like NetCDF or Agilents data format. The graphical elements are drawn using SWTChart and SWT. Chromatogram selections can be chosen by applying a 'zoom in' or 'zoom out' action in the chromatogram editor. All views will be updated after a zoom action.

OpenChrom software showing editors, views, menus and menu entries. The OpenChrom software is using editors, views, menus and menu entries showed in the figure.

The menu 'Chromatogram Edit' allows to access functions that modify or evaluate the chromatographic data. For example, all registered bundles that support filters will be listed in the sub menu 'Filter'. It is possible to add a filter that implements a Savitzky-Golay [36] smoothing operation or to add filters that remove the background of the chromatogram. Each action will be performed on the active chromatogram selection. Actions are commonly very fast, due to the fact that the chromatogram is kept in the random access memory (RAM), depending on the implemented algorithms. Furthermore, the filter actions are reversible. This editing support is well known from modern IDEs and office suites. But the support for do/undo and redo operations does cost processing time. If the reversibility is not needed, it can be deactivated in the applications preference dialog. Another extension point is responsible to register baseline detectors. Different baseline detectors can be implemented in separated bundles and will be offered in the 'Baseline Detectors' sub menu. Peak detection and integration are done commonly in one run. One improvement achieved through OpenChrom is a division of the detection and the integration of peaks into two separated actions. The peak detectors can be applied by calling an appropriate detector in the sub menu 'Peak Detectors' and the peak integration can be performed by using an listed integrator from the sub menu 'Integrators'. The separation of detector and integrator methods makes it possible to detect peaks in a chromatogram using several algorithms and methods. The chosen peak detectors could be of different types, as for example detectors using deconvolution techniques like AMDIS or CODA. All detected peaks can afterwards be integrated by a unique integrator, which leads to comparable results. This feature offers a high flexibility in using different kinds of detectors and integrators.

The view mechanism of the Eclipse Rich Client Platform makes it possible to show chromatographic data in different kind of views. A peak can be displayed in multiple ways, for example by its area (Figure (Figure4),4), its increasing and decreasing tangents and its width at 50% of peak height. Thus, the system provides additional graphical information, especially useful for educational purposes. Each view can be shown in a small (Figure (Figure3)3) and extended format (Figure (Figure44 and and5),5), which allows an appropriate user interaction even on small displays.

Peak with increasing and decreasing tangents and its width at 50% height in extended format. The view shows a maximized version of a selected peak.

Graphical representation of a mass spectrum in extended format. The view shows a maximized version of a selected mass spectrum.

Further on, property views show miscellaneous values of the selected chromatogram. Due to the chromatogram object model, different values will be shown if different chromatogram files have been loaded. Chromatograms from Agilent Technologies and NetCDF differ in their information content. Hence, the properties view helps to inspect the files. There are additional extension points implemented that enable adding bundles to compare mass spectra using different methods [24,37-40] or to identify peaks or chromatograms. A method similar to the one implemented in the software F-Search [41] from Frontier Laboratories Ltd. could be used to identify chromatograms, for example.

Moreover, the OpenChrom platform supports bundles with a system built-in logging mechanism that extends the Apache project log4j. Each module can use the logging mechanism which makes it easier to detect problems and failures. Bundles are further separated into fragments, which allows the separation of concerns. Each OpenChrom bundle supports an internationalization (i18n) and JUnit test fragment. At the moment, approximately 3000 unit tests are written and can be executed to ensure the quality of the software.

If necessary, the extension point mechanism gives the flexibility to add functions needed by users at any time. Thus, OpenChrom can be connected to other systems, as for example to LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System), databases, existing software tools or workflow systems. The object model of OpenChrom offers a convenient access to values and results from the edited chromatograms. Specialized modules take care of how to handle specific concerns, for example how to store results in an information management system. Further on, it is possible to implement bundles for specific analyses or for an automated experimentation.

OpenChrom enables several ways to edit and analyze chromatographic data. The advantage of the flexibility and the abstract architecture makes it partly difficult to get started with the platform, even if the functionality is provided by different bundles to decrease its complexity and to focus on special tasks. The intention to publish the software under an open source license is to support code contributions and to open the project for individual solutions. Moreover, the separation into bundles makes it easier for others to contribute new functionality. Further improvements will be done to optimize the current algorithms and to develop new and better filters, peak detectors and integrators.


OpenChrom has been designed to become an extensible cross-platform open source software for the mass spectrometric analysis of chromatographic data. It provides extension points to enable built-in import capabilities for binary or textual instrument vendors' data formats. In addition to its custom XML format it supports the Agilent Technologies, mzXML and NetCDF mass spectrometric data format. Further development is planned to support more data formats. The open source concept has been chosen to initiate the contributions of third parties, as it depends on the ideas and needs of the community to extend the capabilities of the presented concept. OpenChrom offers extension points that enable the implementation of different baseline detectors as well as peak detectors and integrators. Furthermore, there is an option to implement filters, used to increase the chromatographic quality. The framework offers a full support of do/undo and redo operations. The examples Bioclipse and BioSunMS show how to use the Eclipse Rich Client Platform in a specific way, but no software has been published until now that is capable to import binary chromatographic files natively, offers support to edit and analyze chromatograms and makes it possible to implement new algorithms and methods. As it is open source, everybody has the possibility to inspect the implemented algorithms and methods, especially for verification. OpenChrom is a software with a special focus on the editing and evaluation of mass spectrometric chromatographic data. OpenChrom will be hopefully extended by contributing developers, scientists and companies in the future.

Availability and requirements

Project name: OpenChrom

Project homepage:

Operating systems: Platform independent

Programming language: Java

Java Runtime Environment: Sun/Oracle JVM 1.6.0, OpenJDK

Minimum RAM: 500 MB

Minimum Processor: 1 GHz

Commercial restrictions: none

OpenChrom is available for download free of charge from the project home page.

The Agilent data file input converter must be installed separately using the OpenChrom update mechanism. The instructions how to install the converter can be found at the following website:

OpenChrom is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 (EPL). The EPL is an OSI approved open source license that ensures, that the source code will remain open source. OpenChrom uses some third party libraries that are partly published under different open source licenses. All third party libraries are available in separated bundles, to ensure that no license conflicts occur. The third party library bundles are published under the Apache, LGPL, AGPL and EPL license, depending on the bundle. The GPL licenses are viral, it means that derivative works must be published under the GPL license too. The EPL and Eclipse Rich Client Platform enable a different licensing for the bundles, as a bundle using methods of another bundle can not be seen as a derivative work, though it only uses its interfaces.

Authors' contributions

PW designed and implemented the core API (Application Programming Interface), the software and its extension points. PW drafted most of the manuscript. JO gave feedback and corrected the manuscript. All authors performed extensive testing of the software and approved the final manuscript.


The authors thank all participants at the Department of Wood Science (University of Hamburg, Germany) for their support and their helpful suggestions.


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Mass spectrometry software is software used for data acquisition, analysis, or representation in mass spectrometry.

  • 1Proteomics software

Proteomics software[edit]

Further information: protein mass spectrometry

In protein mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry (also known as MS/MS or MS2) experiments are used for protein/peptide identification. Peptide identification algorithms fall into two broad classes: database search and de novo search. The former search takes place against a database containing all amino acid sequences assumed to be present in the analyzed sample, whereas the latter infers peptide sequences without knowledge of genomic data.

Database search algorithms[edit]

Andromeda (part of MaxQuant)freewareAndromeda is a peptide search engine based on probabilistic scoring. On proteome data, Andromeda performs as well as Mascot, a widely used commercial search engine, as judged by sensitivity and specificity analysis based on target decoy searches. It can handle data with arbitrarily high fragment mass accuracy, it is able to assign and score complex patterns of post-translational modifications, such as highly phosphorylated peptides, and accommodates extremely large databases. Andromeda can function independently or integrated into MaxQuant. This combination enables analysis of large datasets on a desktop computer. Identification of co-fragmented peptides improves the number of identified peptides. Developed by Jürgen Cox and others at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry.[1]
ByonicproprietaryDatabase search algorithm released in 2011 by Protein Metrics Inc. with original developments at PARC[2] that searches MS/MS data from all types of instruments and internally employs the program Combyne,[3] which combines peptide identifications to produce protein scores and identification probabilities.
Cometopen sourceDatabase search algorithm developed at the University of Washington available for Windows and Linux. Note that Comet is just a single command line binary that does MS/MS database search. It takes in spectra in some supported input format and writes out .pep.xml, .pin.xml, .sqt and/or .out files. You will need some other support tool(s) to actually make use of Comet results (A GUI for Windows only is available).[4]
Tide (rewrite of Crux)open sourceTide is a tool for identifying peptides from tandem mass spectra. It is an independent reimplementation of the SEQUEST algorithm, which identifies peptides by comparing the observed spectra to a catalog of theoretical spectra derived in silico from a database of known proteins. The immediate ancestor of Tide is Crux, but Tide has been completely re-engineered to achieve a thousandfold improvement in speed while exactly replicating SEQUEST XCorr scores. Developed at the University of Washington.[5]
Greylagopen sourceDatabase search algorithm developed at the Stowers Institute for Medical Research designed to perform large searches on computational clusters having hundreds of nodes.
InsPecTopen sourceA MS-alignment search algorithm available at the Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry at the University of California, San Diego[6]
MascotproprietaryPerforms mass spectrometry data analysis through a statistical evaluation of matches between observed and projected peptide fragments.[7]
MassMatrixfreewareMassMatrix is a database search algorithm for tandem mass spectrometric data. It uses a mass accuracy sensitive probabilistic scoring model to rank peptide and protein matches.
MassWizopen sourceSearch algorithm developed at Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology available as a windows commandline tool.
MS-GF +open sourceMS-GF+ (aka MSGF+ or MSGFPlus) performs peptide identification by scoring MS/MS spectra against peptides derived from a protein sequence database. It supports the HUPO PSI standard input file (mzML) and saves results in the mzIdentML format, though results can easily be transformed to TSV. ProteomeXchange supports Complete data submissions using MS-GF+ search results. Developed at Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry at the University of California, San Diego, with later work at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
MyriMatchopen sourceDatabase search program developed at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center designed to run in a single-computer environment or across an entire cluster of processing nodes.[8]
OMSSAfreewareThe Open Mass Spectrometry Search Algorithm (OMSSA) is an efficient search engine for identifying MS/MS peptide spectra by searching libraries of known protein sequences. OMSSA scores significant hits with a probability score developed using classical hypothesis testing, the same statistical method used in BLAST. It is developed at the National Center for Biotechnology Information.[9][10]
PEAKS DBproprietaryDatabase search engine, run in parallel with de novo sequencing to automatically validate search results, allowing for a higher number of found sequences for a given false discovery rate. In addition to providing an independent database search, results can be incorporated as part of the software’s multi-engine (Sequest, Mascot, X!Tandem, OMSSA, PEAKS DB) consensus reporting tool, inChorus.[11] The tool also provides a list of sequences identified exclusively by de novo sequencing.
pFindfreewarepFind Studio is a computational solution for mass spectrometry-based proteomics, it germinated in 2002 in Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
PhenyxproprietaryDeveloped by Geneva Bioinformatics (GeneBio) in collaboration with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB). Phenyx incorporates OLAV, a family of statistical scoring models, to generate and optimize scoring schemes that can be tailored for all kinds of instruments, instrumental set-ups and general sample treatments.[12]
ProbIDopen sourcePI is a powerful suite on analysis of tandem mass spectrum. ProbID seeks to fill the need for the deep analysis of tandem mass spectrum, including the fragmentation rules, preference of cleavage, neutral losses, etc. Developed at the Bioinformatics Group, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.[13]
ProLuCIDfreewareProLuCID is a fast and sensitive tandem mass spectra-based protein identification program recently developed by Tao Xu and others in the Yates laboratory at The Scripps Research Institute.[14]
ProteinPilot SoftwareproprietaryUses Paragon database search algorithm that combines the generation of short sequence tags (‘taglets’) for computation of sequence temperature values and estimates of feature probabilities to enable the peptide identification considering hundreds of modifications, non-tryptic cleavages and amino acid substitutions. Uses the Pro Group Algorithm for protein inference analysis to report the minimal set of proteins justified based on the peptide evidence. Supports quantification for label-based workflows (iTRAQ reagents, mTRAQ reagents and SILAC labeling). A translation layer translates user interface controls in the language of the proteomics experimental scientist to underlying complex informatics parameters.[15]
Protein Prospectoropen sourceProtein Prospector is a package of about twenty proteomic analysis tools developed at the University of California San Francisco. The tandem mass spectrometry searching software is Batch-Tag / Batch-Tag Web, with the results processed and displayed using Search Compare. It uses scoring systems tailored to instrument and fragmentation mode to optimize analysis of different types of fragmentation data.
RAIdlostDeveloped at the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Robust Accurate Identification (RAId)[16] is a suite of proteomics tools for analyzing tandem mass spectrometry data with accurate statistics.[17]
SEQUESTproprietaryIdentifies collections of tandem mass spectra to peptide sequences that have been generated from databases of protein sequences.[18]
SIMSopen sourceSIMS (Sequential Interval Motif Search) is a software tool design to perform unrestrictive PTM search over tandem mass spectra; users do not have to characterize the potential PTMs. Instead, users only need to specify the range of modification mass for each individual amino acid.[19]
SimTandemfreewareA database search engine for identification of peptide sequences from LC/MS/MS data; the engine can be used as an external tool in OpenMS/TOPP.[20]
SQIDopen sourceSeQuence IDentification (SQID) is an intensity-incorporated protein identification algorithm for tandem mass spectrometry.
X!Tandemopen sourceMatches tandem mass spectra with peptide sequences.

De novo sequencing algorithms[edit]

De novo peptide sequencing algorithms are based, in general, on the approach proposed in Bartels et al. (1990).[21] Usb driver windows 7.

CycloBranchopen sourceA stand-alone, cross-platform and open-source de novo engine for identification of nonribosomal peptides (linear, cyclic, branched and branch-cyclic) from accurate product ion spectra.[22]
DeNovoXproprietaryDe novo sequencing on CID spectra acquired with ion trap mass spectrometers delivering complete and/or partial peptide sequences (sequence tags).[23]
DeNoSSequencing of peptides using all information from CAD and ECD spectra; part of the software tool Proteinmatching Analysis Software (PAS) which in turn is part of the software package Medicwave Bioinformatics Suite (MBS).[24]
Lutefiskopen sourceSoftware for the de novo interpretation of peptide CID spectra.
Novorproprietary, free for academic researchReal-time de novo peptide sequencing engine that is fast, accurate and easy to be integrated into research pipelines. Novor can de novo sequence more than 300 MS/MS spectra per second on a Macbook Pro laptop computer.[25]
PEAKSproprietaryDe novo sequencing for each peptide, confidence scores on individual amino acid assignments with manually assisted modeand automated de novo sequencing on an entire LC run processed data faster than 1 spectrum per second.[26][27]
SupernovoproprietaryA unique, hands-free solution for end-to-end de novo sequencing of monoclonal antibodies

Homology searching algorithms[edit]

MS-Homologyopen sourceMS-Homology is a database search program within the Protein Prospector package that permits searching with strings that combine masses and amino acid stretches, where one can specify the number of amino acid mismatches allowed.
SPIDERproprietaryThe SPIDER algorithm matches sequence tags with errors to database sequences for the purpose of protein and peptide identification and can be used in conjunction with PEAKS mass spectrometry data analysis software.

MS/MS peptide quantification[edit]

MarkerView SoftwareproprietaryCommercial software for statistical analysis for quantitative mass spec data sets from metabolomics and proteomic profiling applications.
Mascot DistillerproprietarySoftware for peak picking and raw data preprocessing. Has an optional toolbox for label-free quantification as well as isobaric labeling and isotopic labeling. Supports raw file formats from all major instrument vendors.
Mascot ServerproprietaryThe search engine supports quantification based on isobaric labeling as long as all the required information is part of the MS/MS spectrum.
MassChroQopen sourcePeptide quantification analysis of label free or various isotopic labeling methods (SILAC, ICAT, N-15, C-13 …), works with high and low resolution spectrometer systems, supports complex data treatments as peptide or protein fractionation prior to LC-MS analysis (SCX, SDS-PAGE, etc.).
MaxQuantfreewareQuantitative proteomics software developed by Jürgen Cox and others at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried, Germany written in C# that allows the analysis of label free and SILAC based proteomics experiments.
MultiQuant SoftwareproprietaryCan process quantitative data sets from TripleTOF or QTRAP systems, including MRM and SWATH Acquisition.
OpenMS / TOPPopen sourceSoftware C++ library for LC-MS/MS data management and analysis that offers an infrastructure for the development of mass spectrometry related software. Allows peptide and metabolite quantification, supporting label-free and isotopic-label based quantification (such as iTRAQ and TMT and SILAC) as well as targeted SWATH-MS quantification.[28]
ProtMaxfreewareProtMAX[29] is a software tool for analyzing shotgun proteomics mass spectrometry data sets, developed by Volker Egelhofer at the University of Vienna.
SpectronautproprietaryCommercial software for quantitative proteomics developed by Biognosys AG (Schlieren, Switzerland) based on the mProphet algorithm[30] that allows the targeted analysis of data independent acquisition (DIA) data sets for label-free peptide quantitation, also called SWATH acquisition.[31]
Skylineopen sourceOpen source (Apache 2.0) Windows client software developed in the MacCoss lab at University of Washington[32] that supports building Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) / Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM), Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM - Targeted MS/MS), Data Independent Acquisition (DIA/SWATH) and targeted DDA with MS1 quantitative methods and analyzing the resulting mass spectrometer data.
SWATH Software 2.0proprietaryCommercial software processing tool within PeakView that allows targeted data processing of SWATH acquisition data. Using a protein/peptide ion library, fragment ion extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) are generated, scored and quantified for peptides from the library. After false discovery rate analysis (FDR), results are filtered and quantitative peptide/protein data can be exported for statistical analysis.
BACIQopen sourceBACIQ is a mathematically rigorous approach that integrates peptide intensities and peptide-measurement agreement into confidence intervals for protein ratios (BACIQ). The main advantages of BACIQ are: 1) it removes the need to threshold reported peptide signal based on an arbitrary cut-off, thereby reporting more measurements from a given experiment; 2) confidence can be assigned without replicates; 3) for repeated experiments BACIQ provides confidence intervals for the union, not the intersection, of quantified proteins; 4) for repeated experiments, BACIQ confidence intervals are more predictive than confidence intervals based on protein measurement agreement.

Other software[edit]

ArtIST by Clover Biosoftproprietary(Artificial Intelligence Straing Typing) MALDI-TOF MS data analysis and biomarker discovery tools, based on artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. ArtIST is an online service.
Advanced Chemistry DevelopmentproprietaryCommercial solutions for the interpretation of MS and xC/MS data with spectrum/structure matching, identification of known and unknown metabolites, as well as for the identification of compounds through spectral comparison.
AnalystproprietarySoftware by AB Sciex, a division of The Danaher Corporation.
AnalyzerProproprietaryA vendor independent software application for processing mass spectrometry data that can analyze both GC-MS and LC-MS data using both qualitative and quantitative data processing and is used for metabolomics data processing using MatrixAnalyzer for the comparison of multiple data sets.
ChromeleonproprietarySoftware by Thermo Fisher Scientific used with mass spectrometry instruments, as well as chromatography instruments.
Crosslinxopen sourceIdentify cross-linked peptides from mzML files. Python script or standalone executables for Linux and Windows. Feasible for bigger databases with a two-step approach.[33]
DeNovoGUIopen sourceSoftware with a graphical user interface for running parallelized versions of the freely available de novo sequencing software tools Novor and PepNovo+.[34]
Easotopeopen sourceSoftware for archiving, organizing, and analyzing mass spectrometer data. Currently oriented toward clumped CO2 analysis but also useful for bulk CO2 work and expandable to other isotopic systems.
[El-MAVEN]open-sourceDesktop software by Elucidata for processing labeled LC-MS, GC-MS and LC-MS/MS data in open-formats (mzXML, mzML, CDF). The software has a graphical and command line interface with integration to a cloud platform for storage and further analyses like relative flux and quantification.[35]
ESIprotEnables the charge state determination and molecular weight calculation for low resolution electrospray ionization (ESI) mass spectrometry (MS) data of proteins.[36]
KnowItAll Spectroscopy Software & Mass Spectral LibraryproprietarySoftware from Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. with solutions for mass spectrometry including: spectral analysis, database searching (spectrum, structure, peak, property, etc.), processing, database building (MS or multiple techniques including IR, Raman, NMR, UV, Chromatograms), spectral subtraction, plus tools for reporting and ChemWindow structure drawing.
LabSolutions LCMSproprietarySoftware by Shimadzu Corporation used with mass spectrometry and HPLC instruments.
Mass++open sourceAnalysis software for mass spectrometry that can import and export files with open-formats (mzXML, mzML) and load some instrument vendor formats; users can develop and add original functions as Mass++ plug-ins.
MassBank.jpwebsitewebsite hosted by the Institute for Advanced Biosciences, in Keio University, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata, Japan with mass spectrometric data for organic compounds.
MassBank.euwebsiteEuropean MassBank server. The website is maintained and hosted by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (Leipzig, Germany)
MassBankopen sourceMassBank and RMassBank development website provided by the MassBank consortium. MassBank data is shared under a Creative Commons license.
MassCenterproprietarySoftware by JEOL used with mass spectrometry instruments.
Mass FrontierproprietarySoftware by HighChem used for interpretation and management of mass spectra of small molecules.
MassLynxproprietarySoftware by Waters Corporation.
MassMapproprietaryGeneral-purpose software suite for automated evaluation of MS data by MassMap GmbH & Co. KG, suitable for LC/MS and GC/MS data of all kinds of molecules, the analysis of intact mass spectra of proteins, the analysis of general HDX experiments and the HDX fragment analysis of peptides, with particular method for the identification of unexpected/unknown components in even very complex mixtures.
Mass-Upopen-sourceUtility for proteomics designed to support the preprocessing and analysis of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry data that loads data from mzML, mzXML and CSV files and allows users to apply baseline correction, normalization, smoothing, peak detection and peak matching. In addition, it allows the application of different machine learning and statistical methods to the preprocessed data for biomarker discovery, unsupervised clustering and supervised sample classification.[37]
massXpertopen source GPLGraphical user interface-based (GUI) software for simulating and analyzing mass spectrometric data obtained on known bio-polymer sequences.[38] Successor to polyxmass.
METLIN Database and Technology PlatformproprietaryCreated in 2003, METLIN now includes over a million molecules ranging from lipids, steroids, plant & bacteria metabolites, small peptides, carbohydrates, exogenous drugs/metabolites, central carbon metabolites and toxicants. The metabolites and other small molecules have been individually analyzed to provide both empirical and in silico MS/MS data.
mMassopen sourceMulti-platform package of tools for mass spectrometric data analysis and interpretation written in Python.
MolAnaMolAna was developed by Phenomenome Discoveries Inc, (PDI) for use in IONICS Mass Spectrometry Group's 3Q Molecular Analyzer, Triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
ms2mzfreewareUtility for converting between mass spectrometer file formats, e.g. to convert proprietary binary files to MGF peak list files to prepare files for upload to Proteome Cluster.
MSGraphopen source
MSightfreewareSoftware for mass spectrometry imaging developed by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics.[39]
MSiReaderfreewareVendor-neutral interface built on the Matlab platform designed to view and perform data analysis of mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) data.[40] Matlab is not required to use MSiReader.
mspireopen-sourceMass spectrometry informatics developers toolbox written in ruby that includes an mzML reader/writer, in-silico digestion and isotopic pattern calculation etc.; submodules such as mspire-lipidomics, mspire-sequest, and mspire-simulator extend the functionality.[41]
MultimagingSoftware for mass spectrometry imaging designed to normalize, validate and interpret MS images.
multiMS-toolboxopen sourcems-alone and multiMS-toolbox is a tool chain for mass spectrometry data peak extraction and statistical analysis.
mzCloudwebsiteWeb-based mass spectral database that comprises a collection of high and low resolution tandem mass spectrometry data acquired under a number of experimental conditions.
MZmine 2open sourceAn open-source software for mass-spectrometry data processing, with the main focus on LC-MS data.
OmicsHub ProteomicsOmicsHub Proteomics combines a LIMS for mass spec information management with data analysis functionalities on one platform.
OpenChromopen sourceChromatography and mass spectrometry software that can be extended using plug-ins and is available for several operating systems (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X) and processor architectures (x86, x86_64, ppc). with converters for the native access of various data files, e.g. converters for mzXML, netCDF, Agilent, Finnigan and Varian file formats.
ORIGAMIopen sourceSoftware suite for analysis of mass spectrometry and ion mobility mass spectrometry datasets. ORIGAMI was originally developed to improve the analysis workflows of activated IM-MS/collision induced unfolding (CIU) datasets and allow seamless visualisation of results. Recently, ORIGAMI was modified to be more accepting of non-MS centric and enables visualisation of results from other sources as well as enables exporting of all results in an interactive format where the user can share any dataset and visualise in an internet browser.[42]
PatternLabfreewareSoftware for post-analysis of SEQUEST, ProLuCID or Comet database search results filtered by DTASelect or Census.[43]
pyOpenMSopen sourcepyOpenMS is an open-source Python library for mass spectrometry, specifically for the analysis of proteomics and metabolomics data in Python.
SIM-XLfreewareSpectrum Identification Machine for Cross-linked Peptides (SIM-XL) is a fast and sensitive XL search engine which is part of the PatternLab for proteomics environment, to analyze tandem mass spectrometry data derived from cross-linked peptides.[44]
Peacockopen sourceMac OS X application developed by Johan Kool that can be used to interpret gas-chromatography/mass-spectrometry (GC/MS) data files.
PeakInvestigatorproprietary3-4X effective resolution improvement in post-processing of raw profile data output from mass specs. Veritomyx advanced signal processing software for peak detection, deconvolution, and centroiding of raw profile mass spec data reveals multiple peaks hidden in overlapped data. Notable features: order-of-magnitude improvements in mass and abundance precision for deconvolved peaks; local dynamic baselining; advanced thresholding algorithm increases sensitivity across wide dynamic range; statistically-driven and completely automated (no user-to-user variation). More complete and precise resulting mass lists facilitate faster and cost-efficient subsequent determination of correct biomolecular identifications.
PinnacleProprietaryFrom comprehensive quantitation of 10,000s of proteins across of 100s of samples using DDA, DIA, PRM or SRM with fully integrated statistics and biological interpretation, to complete N-linked glycoprotein identification routine, to a very in-depth analysis in protein characterization, including peptide mapping, error tolerant search and disulfide analysis, all of this is available in a single software. Analyzing 100s of samples brings big challenges of LC and MS variation when run over months of acquisition, and the software can automatically correct for this. The visualization, editing and annotation capabilities can be tailored to be at the high level of proteins or at a much lower level of transitions or isotopes.
PIQMIewebProteomics Identifications/quantitations data management and integration service is a web-based tool that aids in reliable and scalable data management, analysis and visualization of semi-quantitative (SILAC) proteomics experiments.[45]
POTAMOSopen sourceWeb application that provides calculated mass spectrometry data independently of instrumentation focused on a well known protein family of histones whose PTMs are believed to play a crucial role in gene regulation; calculates the kind, the number and the combinations of the possible PTMs corresponding to a given peptide sequence and a given mass.
PROTRAWLERLC/MS data reduction application that reads raw mass spectrometry vendor data (from a variety of well-known instrument companies) and creates lists of {mass, retention time, integrated signal intensity} triplets summarizing the LC/MS chromatogram.
ProteoIQproprietarySoftware for the post-analysis of Mascot, SEQUEST, or X!Tandem database search results.[46][47][48]
ProteomaticFreewareData processing pipeline created for the purpose of evaluating mass spectrometric proteomics experiments.[49]
ProteomicsToolsopen sourceSoftware for the post-analysis of MASCOT, SEQUEST, Comet, XTandem, PFind, PeptidePhophet, MyriMatch, MSGF, OMSSA, MSAmanda or Percolator database search result.[50]
ProteoWizardopen sourceLink library and tools that are a set of modular and extensible open-source, cross-platform tools and software libraries that facilitate proteomics data analysis.
ProteoWorkerproprietaryCloud-based software for proteomics data analysis including COMET, Peptide Prophet, ProteinProphet and extensive data sorting, filtering and annotation tools.
pymzMLopen sourcePython module to interface mzML data in Python based on cElementTree with additional tools for MS-informatics.[51]
Pyteomicsopen sourceA Python framework for proteomics data analysis.[52]
QuantinetixSoftware for mass spectrometry imaging designed to quantify and normalize MS images in various study types that is compatible with a variety of MSI instruments, including Bruker, Sciex, Thermo and with iMZML.
Rational Numbers Excel Add-InproprietaryDe novo identification tool that works with Microsoft Excel 2010, Excel 2013, and Excel 2016.
Rational Numbers SearchproprietaryIdentification of small molecules by comparison of accurate-mass fragmentation data to a database of 250000 molecules represented as mathematical partitions
REGATTALC/MS list comparison application that works with ProTrawler (but accepts input in Excel/CSV form) to provide an environment for LC/MS results list filtering and normalization {mass, retention time, integrated intensity} lists.
RemoteAnalyzerproprietarySoftware by SpectralWorks Limited for vendor independent 'Open Access' client/server based solutions to provide a walk-up and use LC-MS and GC-MS data system; instrument control and data processing support for multiple vendors' hardware is provided.
ScaffoldproprietarySuite of proteomics tools for analyzing spectra, peptides and proteins across multiple samples.
SCIEX OSproprietaryNext generation software by SCIEX controlling the X-series mass spectrometers and support for data analysis acquired using the Analyst software suite.
SCiLS LabStatistical analysis of MALDI imaging mass spectrometry data that integrates with Bruker MALDI imaging.
SimGlycanproprietaryPredicts the structure of glycans and glycopeptides using mass spectrometry MS/MS data.
SIMIONproprietaryIon optics simulation program
SpectrolyzerSpectrolyzer is a Microsoft Windows-based software package that provides bioinformatics data analysis tools for different mass spectrometers that focuses on finding protein biomarkers and detecting protein deviations.
SpectromaniaproprietarySoftware for analysis and visualization of mass spectrometric data.[53]
StavroXfreewareSoftware to identify cross-linked peptides from mass spectrometric data written in Java that can be used for a wide variety of cross linkers and proteases used in the cross linking MS experiment; it compares theoretical peptide-peptide cross link combinations for the analyzed proteins to MS/MS data.[54]
Swiss Mass Abacusopen sourceSwiss Mass Abacus is a calculator of peptide and glycopeptide masses. It is purposefully kept as simple as a basic calculator executing arithmetic operations.
TOF-DSproprietarySoftware by Markes International used with BenchTOF time-of-flight mass spectrometers
TurboMassproprietaryGC/MS software by PerkinElmer.
Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP)open sourceThe Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP) is a collection of integrated tools for MS/MS proteomics that includes PeptideProphet for the Statistical validation of PSMs using search engine results, iProphet for distinct peptide sequence validation, using PeptideProphet results (can also combine the results of multiple search engines) and ProteinProphet for Protein identification and validation, using PeptideProphet OR iProphet results. TPP does also Protein Quantification with XPRESS (Calculation of relative abundances of peptides and proteins from isotopically labeled MS/MS samples), ASAPRatio (Automated Statistical Analysis on Protein Ratio; an alternative to XPRESS) and Libra (Quantification of isobarically-labeled samples (e.g. iTraq, TMT, etc.) for any number of channels). The TPP currently supports Sequest, Mascot, ProbID, X!Tandem, Comet, SpectraST, MSGF+, Inspect, MyriMatch, and Phenyx. Developed at the Seattle Proteomic Centre (SPC).[55]
Universal Mass CalculatorUniversal Mass Calculator (UMC) for Windows written in C++ is a proprietary toolbox for calculating relevant information from sum formulae, e.g. isotope distribution, mass differences, mass deviations and mass/isotope information of the elements, degree of deuteration.
VIPERAnalysis of accurate mass and chromatography retention time analysis of LC-MS features (accurate mass and time tag approach).[57]
XcaliburproprietarySoftware by Thermo Fisher Scientific used with mass spectrometry instruments.
XCMS Online (Cloud-Based)proprietaryFreely available and the most widely used metabolomic and lipidomic data processing platform with over 21,000 users as of 2017.

See also[edit]

  • Mass spectrometry data format: for a list of mass spectrometry data viewers and format converters.


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External links[edit]

  • Mass Spectrometry Software at Curlie
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